Sammy Franco – Control and Conquer: Unarmed Against the Knife (Volume 1)

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Sammy Franco – Control and Conquer: Unarmed Against the Knife (Volume 1)


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Sammy Franco – Control and Conquer: Unarmed Against the Knife (Volume 1)

CONTROL AND CONQUER: Against the Knife Unarmed (Volume 1) – This knife attack defense DVD contains an hour of fast-paced, hard-hitting knife survival training.
Sammy Franco, the inventor of Contemporary Fighting Arts, shows you some of the most crucial lifesaving techniques here.
Learn the four (4) knife defense principles that can save your life, the various types of edged weapons used by street criminals, knife familiarity, the five (5) types of knife encounters, the four (4) possible defenses to a knife attack, static and dynamic knife attacks, understanding knife grips, knife palming cues, the six (6) ways a criminal can injure or kill you with a knife, target vulnerability and anatomical orientation, how to select a good training knife,

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