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Sammy Franco – Engage With Rage: Mastering the Street Clinch
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Sammy Franco – Engage With Rage: Mastering the Street Clinch
Mastering The Street Clinch – is the most thorough “street focused” clinch DVD ever made.
Combat specialist Sammy Franco teaches you from the fundamentals of clinch technique through the intermediate levels in this lively DVD.
Unlike other “sport focused” clinch DVDs, ENGAGE WITH RAGE teaches you all you need to know to survive a lethal street fight.
The clinch range is explained, as well as how to control the clinch, clinch strategies, proper hand positioning, the differences between “sport clinch” and “street clinch,” defending against punches in the clinch, preventing the fight from going to the ground, clinching specifics (hand placements, grips, neck lock up, arm placement, leg positioning, target minimization), leg driving in the clinch, acquiring the Inside Position
DVD Specifications: ENGAGE WITH RANGE: Mastering The Street Clinch is a multi-regional DVD that may be played in any country.
Excellent audio and color quality.
Running time: around 59 minutes.
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