Sammy Franco – Feral Fighting

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Sammy Franco – Feral Fighting


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Sammy Franco – Feral Fighting

Feral Fighting is a more sophisticated version of our best-selling WidowMaker Program.
This instructional video covers the most dangerous threat you will ever face in an unarmed one-on-one encounter: an irate maniac who turns “ballistic.”
How would you protect against a mad opponent who rains strikes on you? Your martial arts training will be ineffective against such a ferocious onslaught.
If you parry, block, or try to avoid the “postal strike,” you will end up kissing the ground.
The issue is that most traditional defensive strategies are just ineffectual against someone who becomes “ballistic.”
The “ballistic postal attack” is simply too quick, explosive, and frenzied! By teaching you Sammy Franco’s revolutionary Shielding Wedge method, Feral Fighting counters the feared “ballistic postal assault.”
This cutting-edge defensive method will be one of the most significant self-defense abilities you will ever employ in an unarmed fight situation.
Sammy Franco created an incredible protective gadget to deal with the worst-case situation on the streets.
You will be able to protect yourself and pull your assailant out of the battle no matter how quick and furious your opponent assaults!
Feral Fighting also teaches you some of the most vicious and harsh street fighting techniques.
Sammy Franco takes his Razing fighting approach to an altogether new level in this video by showing you his Scorching tactic.
Feral Fighting also teaches the brutal skill of Sharking, as well as a slew of life-saving counters and reversals.
1 hour and 8 minutes (approximate running duration).
Fighting in the Wild Quantity: eighty-five dollars apiece Basket Quantity: none Price: $85.00 Star rating: Feral Fighting is a more sophisticated version of our best-selling WidowMaker Program.
This instructional video covers the most dangerous threat you will ever face in an unarmed one-on-one encounter: an irate maniac who turns “ballistic.”
How would you protect against a mad opponent who rains strikes on you? Your martial arts training will be ineffective against such a ferocious onslaught.
If you parry, block, or try to avoid the “postal strike,” you will end up kissing the ground.
The issue is that most traditional defensive strategies are just ineffectual against someone who becomes “ballistic.”
The “ballistic postal attack” is simply too quick, explosive, and frenzied! By teaching you Sammy Franco’s revolutionary Shielding Wedge method, Feral Fighting counters the feared “ballistic postal assault.”
This cutting-edge defensive method will be one of the most significant self-defense abilities you will ever employ in an unarmed fight situation.
Sammy Franco created an incredible protective gadget to deal with the worst-case situation on the streets.
You will be able to protect yourself and pull your assailant out of the battle no matter how quick and furious your opponent assaults!
Feral Fighting also teaches you some of the most vicious and harsh street fighting techniques.
Sammy Franco takes his Razing fighting approach to an altogether new level in this video by showing you his Scorching tactic.
Feral Fighting also teaches the brutal skill of Sharking, as well as a slew of life-saving counters and reversals.
(Estimated running time: 1 hour 8 minutes)
Customer Feedback Add Your Opinion. The legacy lives on. Brian Atherton from Marysville, OH on January 6, 2008 US Feral Fighting is the Widowmaker Program’s next level.
It picks up where the Widowmaker left off, covering revolutionary strategies like the “shielding wedge,” a necessary defensive tool.
In a real fight, most individuals throw powerful flurry of punches, and traditional blocks, parries, and traps simply do not work against that type of quick overpowering onslaught.
They will merely lock you into a defensive flow, leaving you with little opportunity to launch your own attack.
The “shielding wedge” will assist you in turning the tables on such a ferocious onslaught.
Sammy Franco also adds some lethal new razing tactics to your repertoire. A fantastic continuation 04/04/2007 – submitted by Hammad of Germantown, MD This DVD set continues where Widowmaker left off, addressing a whole new aspect of one of the most vicious and brutally efficient street combat methods available.
Feral Fighting adds the Shielding Wedge and elevates Razing to new heights, while Widowmaker studied Webbing and Razing.
The Shielding Wedge is a reaction to the worst unarmed one-on-one street encounter: the postal assault.
Mr. Franco leads you through all you need to know to survive such an encounter, from properly forming a Shielding Wedge to seeing CFA students execute the method in a variety of rigorous drills.
Mr. Franco offers countermeasures to the different ways an opponent might react while he is being Razed in the offensive half of this DVD, such as the Jersey Take to answer to an adversary who lowers his head down to the savage Sharking approach when he attempts to pull off your Razing hand.
It is critical that you understand the first Widowmaker software, and I recommend that you study the instruction booklet before watching the DVD; otherwise, you will lose out on critical information that might save your life if you ever need to use the tactics outlined in this DVD.
Without a doubt, 5 stars.
It’s impossible to believe! 20th of March, 2007 – by jeremy bromwell from baltimore, md What an excellent complement to the widowmaker program.
This DVD starts up where the last one left off, providing you with all you need to know about dealing with a violent situation and ending it swiftly.
This is for anyone who is serious about self-defense.
Excellent Work! Barrington from London, UK on July 3, 2007 This DVD curriculum is extremely amazing, and I recently purchased it.
It will undoubtedly improve your street fighting abilities and confidence.
I mainly bought this to improve my fighting abilities, but in the process, I learnt about the necessity of battle economy of motion.
I gave it a 5 because it does exactly what it claims it does: it teaches you intense combat tactics! Wow! W. Dempsey from Potomac, MD on 02/27/2007 US This DVD curriculum is fantastic! Sammy Franco has gone above and above in this Razing-related DVD.
Sammy Franco brings the Razing process to a whole new level of viciousness in this DVD!! A fantastic purchase! Awesome! 02/20/2007 – submitted by James McGarvey of Frederick, MD To me, the most terrifying scenario imaginable is a psychopath storming at me, firing punch after punch in an attempt to rip my head off.
Mr. Franco explains the shielding wedge in this DVD, a way for getting through the initial ballistic attack and into CQC range to smash your assailant.
In the offensive section of this DVD, Mr. Franco also takes the Widowmaker to a whole new level with novel razing ways.
He presents searing, a harsh form of combat with the purpose of inflicting tremendous suffering on your opponent.
I promise you’ve never seen something like this before.
Very impressive!

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