Scott Sonnon – Flow Fit II

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Scott Sonnon – Flow Fit II


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Scott Sonnon – Flow Fit II

Scott Sonnon was interviewed by t-nation.
This DVD is for you if you’re a fitness fanatic searching for a decent exercise, a martial artist, or just an everyday person who occasionally falls on a curb.
Sonnon weaves motions beneficial for (as he puts it) “engaging the earth” into a self-contained, adaptable workout.
These moves contradict parts of what martial artists have taught about breakfalls.
I’m not going to try to convince you that this method is superior to your martial arts techniques; instead, try it and see for yourself.
Breakfall maneuvers meant for mats do not necessarily translate well to concrete, and alternative approaches may be more effective.
Although the content is especially valuable for martial artists, the DVD is not specifically aimed at them.
A fitness enthusiast who has no interest in martial arts will nevertheless find a great exercise and the opportunity to practice several motions that are really useful in everyday life.
What happens next time you trip over the curb may surprise (and delight!) you.
A word of caution is in order here.
Because this is FlowFit II, some viewers may feel that the first FlowFit DVD is a better place to start.
However, I believe that most people will be able to put this to good use straight away.

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