Seiichi Sugano – Between Heaven and Earth – Aikido DVD

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Seiichi Sugano – Between Heaven and Earth – Aikido DVD


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Seiichi Sugano – Between Heaven and Earth – Aikido DVD

Between Heaven and Earth — Seiichi’s Aikido Shihan Sugano Sugano Sensei is a kind, gentle, and well regarded instructor who has devoted his life to instructing and encouraging pupils all around the world. He got an uchideshi of O-Sensei in 1959, making him one of just a few current teachers who is a direct student of the creator of Aikido, O-Sensei. Hombu Dojo dispatched him to Australia in 1965, where he stayed for nearly 15 years. Sugano Sensei’s teaching mission brought him to Belgium in 1979, where he taught until 1989, when he relocated to New York Aikikai at Yamada Sensei’s request. Sugano Senseiâ€TMs approach to Aikido has been heavily affected by his love of learning and commitment to personal growth, which has included studies in Zen mediation and, more recently, European fencing.

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