Senshido – Fundamentals of Personal Protection

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Senshido – Fundamentals of Personal Protection


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SKU: DOJO19449 Category:

Senshido – Fundamentals of Personal Protection

Product Description:Senshido Fundamentals of Personal Protection Covers the vital information that you need to know to keep yourself and yur loved ones safe, and includes:The psychology of violence, the 5 Principles of Physical Retaliation, natural stances, the passive stance, reflexive responses and tactical street defense drills.
This tape is completely ‘live’ and offers numerous strategies and tactics to prevent aggression and violent confrontations.
Also covers verbal defusing strategies and behavioral concepts.
A must for the serious martial artist or anyone interested in maximizing their personal protection and self defense skills.
End the fight before it starts with Senshido’s Fundamentals of Personal Protection.
(Approx: 100 minutes)Wait Times:VIP / Elite: Two WeeksPower / Extreme Users: Seven WeeksUsers: Become one of the above.

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