Shaolin Qigong – Shi Xinggui – Energy in Motion

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Shaolin Qigong – Shi Xinggui – Energy in Motion


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Shaolin Qigong – Shi Xinggui – Energy in Motion

Shi Xinggui – Energy in Motion – Shaolin Qigong Product Information Authentic qi gong as practiced at the Shaolin Temple, where this discipline began hundreds of years ago.

• Describes key spiritual ideas and contains both a short and lengthy version of the daily exercises.

• Describes the advantages of controlling energy in the body, such as organ strengthening.

• Comes with a 53-minute DVD including exercises done by the author, a Shaolin monk.

In the sixth century CE, the renowned teacher Bodhidharma is credited with developing Shaolin Temple qi gong and kung fu.
Motivated by the poor physical condition of monks who spent all of their time meditating or transcribing scrolls, his two-part approach encouraged both physical and spiritual health and formed the foundation for all martial and contemplative disciplines taught in the Shaolin Temple.
These traditional techniques improve physical health and energy, boost creativity, and may be done well into old life.

Shi Xinggui, a Shaolin monk, discusses the essential premise of qi gong—the art of mastering and moving energy (qi) through the body—and offers detailed demonstrations of all the postures and actions.
It is vital to acquire the skill of patience in both movement and breathwork in order to grow qi mindfully.
Shi Xinggui offers both a short and a long version of the daily exercises, including teachings on heart centering, organ strengthening, and energy balancing using the three dantians—the body’s three energy centers.
A 53-minute DVD of the author performing the exercises is also provided.

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