Shuaijiao Chinese Wrestling by Wang Wenyong

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Shuaijiao Chinese Wrestling by Wang Wenyong


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Shuaijiao Chinese Wrestling by Wang Wenyong

Wang Wenyong’s Shuaijiao Chinese Wrestling 4 MPEG files plus a cover picture Mandarin Chinese The image quality is superb. Product description from the manufacturer…
“Wrestling has a lengthy history dating back to a remote origins in China.
There has been ancient wrestling since the Yellow Emperor time.
The basis of Chinese wrestling is extensive.
Wrestlers of the Manchu, Mongolian, and Han races frequently swapped tactics and ideologies in order to enhance and perfect their talents.
Famous Chinese wrestlers have received several honors in nations such as France, Italy, America, and Japan.
Coach Mr.Wang Wenyong, who was trained by Mongolian wrestling’s foremost expert, Mr.Jin Baosheng, reveals these tactics with you in this DVD.
Wang won the Chinese wrestling championships five years in a row in the 1950s and 1960s.”
A brief synopsis of each volume:
Volume 1 consists of a history lesson and training routines.
volume 2 – essential grips and hip throw/sweep variants
volume 3 – outside leg hook variants, back throws, and leg sweeps
Variations of inside leg hooks, shoulder/fireman-carry type throws, and combo throws as counter efforts to opponents.
Some fantastic grips and entrances.
Anyone with a decent throwing/takedown repertoire, whether greco, catch, judo, mma, or other, will find this set appealing.
Some pretty amazing ideas that will work nicely in different contexts/styles.

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