Solomon Kaihewalu- Hawaiian Lua (Breaking of Bones)

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Solomon Kaihewalu- Hawaiian Lua (Breaking of Bones)


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Solomon Kaihewalu- Hawaiian Lua (Breaking of Bones)

Solomon Kaihewalu- Hawaiian Lua (Breaking of Bones) (Breaking of Bones) Quote:Lua means “breaking of bones” This is very much in line with FMA and its tactics.
This DVD is short- only 30 mins- but has some nice demonstrations of the joint breaking style of Hawaiian fighting.
The DVD shows unarmed and weapons usage of Lua.
I got this mostly for the traditional weapons usage.
There is some nice material on strangulation and on hitting with clubs.
The old Hawaiians did not have metal and made all their weapons from animal/fish parts and woods.
To see how damaging a non metal weapon can be is wild!
This is short viewing and is just an intro.
Solomon Kaihewalu has a book (out of print I think) that goes into more depth.
I kept the rip small (still good quality) and this MA style, while having some shadows of FMA, is unique and is worth a look.
Its counter hitting and joint breaking moves at their most straight forward.

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