Stephan Kesting – High Percentage Leglocks

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Stephan Kesting – High Percentage Leglocks


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Stephan Kesting – High Percentage Leglocks

Leglocks are well-known submission techniques in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, submission grappling, and mixed martial arts competition. There are several cases of smaller, weaker, and less experienced competitors turning the tables and taping out their opponent utilizing a leglock.

So, why do many grapplers have a love-hate connection with leglocks?

Many grapplers haven’t been taught how to set up and use leglocks effectively. Others understand how to strike with a leglock but become frustrated when their opponent counters the initial assault. Some people are afraid about botching a leglock and finding up in a poor position where they would be crushed by their opponent. Other grapplers are concerned about injuries since they have never been trained how to safely practice leglocks.

These are all legitimate worries, but there is now a solution.

Stephan Kesting has spent years creating and perfecting a strategy that answers the leglock enigma, having studied with some of the top leglock experts in grappling. For the first time, he is releasing his whole high % leglock method on DVD, allowing you to become a master in the most powerful leglocks in grappling.

On High Percentage Leglocks, Stephan breaks down each technique into the HOW, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY, and then rebuilds it in a tactical and strategic framework. Leglocks are sometimes taught as a collection of separate techniques with no overarching plan, however this is NOT the approach taken by High Percentage Leglocks. Stephan then shows you how to counter the finest leglock countermeasures so you can effectively submit an opponent who is trying everything he can to stop you. You will also learn how to train the most hazardous leglocks safely.

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