Sum Nung Wing Chun – Chinese

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Sum Nung Wing Chun – Chinese


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SKU: DOJO19564 Category:

Sum Nung Wing Chun – Chinese

Introduction to Sum Nung Wing Chun Kung Fu – Chinese aka Wing Chun Yuen Kay San Yup! It’s written in Chinese! I don’t know the language either, however I found it simple to follow the demos.
I enjoy foreign language productions because it feels like I’m getting information directly from the source.
Fortunately, I learnt a few things.
This is a mainland Wing Chun kung fu lineage, not the Yip Man mainstream lineage.
The knowledge is applicable regardless of the Wing Chun lineage studied.
The video is divided into sixteen chapters.
The earliest chapters show forms slowly, whereas the latter chapters exhibit man-to-man exercises and chi sao.
Please provide comments if you found this beneficial.

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