Tactical Restraint and Removal Volume 1

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Tactical Restraint and Removal Volume 1


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Tactical Restraint and Removal Volume 1

This DVD series is vital for anybody working in law enforcement or the military, as well as those in vocations that deal with hostile or non-compliant people.
The tactical restraint and removal series is meant to teach you the essentials of locking and restraining a person who is resistant or refusing to leave a location or who has to be arrested.
This series is vital no matter who you are.
It provides you with a skill set that allows you to cope with someone who is not endangering your life or putting you in immediate danger.
It emphasizes the notion of using pain compliance strategies.
Glenn Zwiers has utilized these techniques countless times while serving as a bouncer.
More significantly, this course demonstrates how to use them dynamically and in teams.
This will undoubtedly keep you safe while doing your professional duties.
You’ll learn how to do wrist locks, hammer locks, arm bars, wing locks, and S locks efficiently.
Regardless of who you are, this is a must-have series.

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