The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge”

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The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge”


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SKU: DOJO19617 Category:

The Grapplefit “The Winning Edge”

“The Winning Edge” DVD Rip by Grapplefit I’d like to share some knowledge with you that can help you improve your strength, power, and endurance….
* This is the same knowledge that has earned me Black Belts in Kung Fu and Judo, as well as a national championship in Sambo wrestling… * This is the same material that has helped me coach and train other judoka, prize-winning fighters, mixed martial artists, and kick boxers, to mention a few sports where competitive athletes have profited… * This is the same information that others pay me over £100 a month for and that you can get for pennies on the pound… Variations on the following are included: Squats with a Keg Squats with a Kettle Bell Squats with Zercher Rope Pullups on the Floor Ring dipping Curls from a Kettle Bell Clean and Press the Keg

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