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TITLE – Instructional Boxing Full course
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TITLE – Instructional Boxing Full course
Boxing Instructional 16 DVDs FULL!!! This set includes the entire 16-DVD series: Download each individual DVD or the entire set of 16!!! EDIT: 10/10/2007 Vols. 21, 22, and 23 are now available. Improve your self-confidence and never be scared when challenged by a jealous furious drunk bar patron while playing Don Juan! I’m a fairly decent boxer, and I learned the sport through the same DVDs I’m now sharing with you. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions as I add additional boxing films.
Boxing Training Videos and DVDs
Professional boxing secrets and guidance from hall-of-famers.
You will get unique insight, strategy, and training tactics to accelerate your workouts and skills to championship level, whether you are a novice, weekend warrior, competent amateur, aspiring professional, or world title holder.
DVD 1) Heavy Bag Techniques DVD/Video/Books Techniques, Drills, and Skills The Heavy Bag is one of boxing’s oldest and most enduring fixtures.
It has existed since the days of bare-fisted warriors ages ago.
It is also one of the most misunderstood and underutilized pieces of gym equipment.
Danny Campbell, a well-known former professional boxer, referee, trainer, and promoter, reveals the insider secrets to mastering the heavy bag.
There’s a lot more to it than just throwing punches and hammering at a big bag.
This part will teach you how to correctly work the bag in the following areas:
Choosing the best bag for your abilities and level To maximize power and advantages, ensure proper spacing and distance from the bag. Throwing jabs, straight right and left, hooks, uppercuts, body blows, and other techniques Navigating the bag successfully to gain complete Cardiovascular outcomes Drills for increasing speed and power during a heavy bag session Combination punches must be thrown correctly. 30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
DVD 1 How To Hit The Heavy Bag Regular price: $19. 99DVD 2) Boxing Defensive Drills and Techniques Video / DVD Hit and Avoid Being Hit The goal of the game is to hit your opponent while avoiding being hit.
There is an offensive and a defense, like in most competitive sports.
Defense, like other sports, wins championships.
Danny Campbell, a well-known former professional boxer, referee, trainer, and promoter, demonstrates how to dodge, block, defend, and/or counter practically every strike an opponent delivers.
In many circumstances, a boxer must switch from offensive to defense and then back to offense in a single second, without thinking but responding.
Discover how to successfully:
Take the right posture and position. Protect yourself against jabs, straight right hands, left hooks, and uppercuts. Punches that roll under and spin off Protect yourself against body shots. You will quickly learn how to implement a defense like the professionals.
The fight is won when you can respond instantaneously rather than needing to think.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
Regular pricing for Boxing Defensive Skills and Drills DVD / Video DVD 2 is $19. 99DVD. 3) DVD / Video: How to Wrap Hands for Training and Competition The hands are a boxer’s most valuable attribute.
The first step in any boxing exercise and training program is to safeguard those assets.
The human hand contains about 70 tiny bones.
Even with gloves, the slightest mishit or abnormal contact can result in fractured bones that will keep you out of the gym for months.
Danny Campbell, a well-known former professional boxer, referee, trainer, and promoter, demonstrates how to properly wrap one’s hands for training and competition.
Campbell’s more than 30 years of boxing experience in hand wrapping methods is shared with you in simple, succinct, and practical procedures.
Rules and restrictions for amateur and professional hand wrapping differ.
The trainer illustrates what is and isn’t permitted in each classification.
How much tape is allowed, and where may it be used? There is also a proper technique to use training handwraps to safeguard your hands while working out.
Don’t put your most valuable possessions at jeopardy by using the wrong packaging strategy.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
How to Wrap Hands for Competition and Training DVD | Video DVD 3sDVD 4) DVD / Video on How to Be an Effective Body Puncher Body Punching: A Lost Art Although the phrase “head hunter” is overused, the activity is not.
Most boxers completely disregard their opponent’s physique and concentrate solely on their head.
Champion boxers understand the value of body punches and how to score “downstairs.”
Danny Campbell, a well-known former professional boxer, referee, and promoter, demonstrates correct body punching tactics.
Discovering the forgotten technique of body punching may elevate you from a skilled boxer to a champion.
This section will teach you how to descend down and attack the body, when to apply pressure, and how to work this region efficiently.
Anyone can punch, but only a true pro can assault the body.
If you kill the body, the head will perish!
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
DVD | Video DVD titled “How to Be an Effective Body Puncher.” 4sDVD 5) How to Run a Fighter’s Corner DVD / Video Pro TipsA combatant has only one minute between rounds.
The training and help that a fighter receives during this key phase can make or break the bout in your favor.
Russ Anber, a well-known amateur and professional trainer, teaches everything needed to master the art of managing a fighter’s corner.
Getting the fighter psychologically prepared before the first round Make the most of the little time available for maximal recovery. Proper timing and method of instruction Taking care of abrasions, wounds, and swellings Proper hydration and rinsing Cleaning and implantation of the mouthpiece How to Apply Petroleum Jelly Correctly Working in both the amateur and professional corners 30 minutes approx.
Formal principleAvailability: Usually ships the next business day.
5 DVD / Video DVD How to Properly Work a Fighter’s Corner 6) DVD / Video: How to Hit the Punch Mitts SKILLS, DRILLS, AND TECHNIQUES… PRO TIPSDiscover the insider tips for mastering the punch mitts.
Russ Anber, a well-known amateur and professional trainer, pushes you to your limits with a slew of punch mitt routines, workouts, and drills that will help you take your arsenal to the next level.
Learn critical ideas for both the coach and the fighter to truly thrive, as well as new cutting-edge approaches.
The Coach will effectively demonstrate and show you how to:
Throw punches at the mitts correctly. Use the mitts to practice attacking and defensive strategies. Attack your opponent in all places. Hooks, uppercuts, jabs, straight punches, body blows, and other moves are permitted. Warm up prior to battles. Improve your speed and power. Proper training and mitt-holding techniques Drills and combinations that help you improve as a boxer Formulation Principle Availability: Ships the next business day.
How to Use Punch Mitts Video DVD / DVD 6sDVD 7) Counterpunching Video / DVD Results That Have Been Proven To Win Fights There is a response to every action.
This is never more true or more important than in the sport of boxing.
There is a unique counter move or punch for every move or punch made by your opponent that can put you back in control.
Russ Anber, a well-known amateur and professional trainer, teaches how to counter any blow in your opponent’s arsenal.
Switch from defense to offensive in a single second with accuracy and authority.
Boxers that dominate battles win fights.
The Coach will show you how to counter the jab, straight right or left, hooks, uppercuts and more.
The techniques demonstrated in this part will help you react quickly and counter any punch fired by your opponent.
You will dominate your opponent and the battle if you can respond simultaneously rather than thinking.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
7 DVD / Video DVD Counter Punching 8) How To Box—The Fundamentals DVD / Video Everything You Need To Know To Master The Fundamentals Russ Anber, a well-known amateur and professional trainer, tells you all you need to know about boxing basics.
With a thorough grasp and mastery of the fundamentals, you may enjoy working out correctly while also laying the groundwork for more complex approaches later on.
This information-packed class will cover everything from your first day in the gym to throwing a variety of good attacking punches.
The Coach will professionally and successfully explain and show you how to:
Get into the boxer’s stance correctly. Move forward, backward, side to side, and in a circular motion. Before exercises, warm up and shadow box. Throw a good jab and understand when to utilize it to your advantage. Use forceful straight punches with high velocity. Include hooks and uppercuts in your repertoire. Punches should be thrown in tandem. Drills and combinations to help you become a skilled boxer 30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
The Fundamentals of Boxing Video DVD / DVD 8sDVD 9) Improve Your Boxing Speed and Power Video / DVD Discover Exciting Results That Work The old adage that you can’t coach speed is becoming obsolete.
You may now boost your total speed and power thanks to new technologies and training routines.
You may improve your speed and power with certain drills and routines.
Jeff Fenech, three-time world champion and top professional trainer, reveals the pro’s methods for improving and growing these two critical areas.
Fenech displays drills and tactics used by his world champions to improve hand and foot speed, striking power, and other skills.
In close battles, the fighter with the faster reaction time generally wins.
You will be able to dominate more opponents and control the action if you raise your speed and hitting strength.
Speed is lethal! Learn to lead quickly and powerfully! 30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
Improve Your Boxing Speed and Power Video DVD / DVD 9sDVD 10) Boxing Interval Training DVD / Video Revolutionary Training That Produces Champion Results Boxing is characterized by a succession of fast heart-rate increases followed by less severe aerobic exertion.
To obtain peak boxing conditioning, you must prepare for this set of intensive and quick activities.
Interval training is a new method of achieving the elite aerobic conditioning required to compete in boxing.
In this action-packed session, three-time World Champion and current professional trainer Jeff Fenech pushes you to your limits.
Learn drills and workouts that will give you an aerobic advantage over every other boxer.
These tried-and-true workouts will get any boxer in peak physical and cardio condition.
According to an ancient adage, boxing is 90% conditioning.
Interval training will provide you the edge you need to win the fitness fight, whether you are a professional world champion, an aspiring amateur, a club champion, or a weekend warrior.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
Boxing Interval Training DVD | Video DVD 10sDVD 11) Attacking and punching from different angles Video / DVD Maintain Your Opponent’s Defensive Position When you look at the highly brilliant and top world champion boxers, you will notice that their styles are typically unusual.
They put their opponents on the defensive by attacking and throwing punches in unusual ways.
Why follow the crowd and be predictable? You may keep your opponents on their heels and in charge of the fight by altering your assault and punching angles.
Jeff Fenech, three-time world champion and professional trainer, gives you the inside scoop on how to get to and stay at the top.
This section will teach you:
The notion of attacking from several angles How to drop down and vary your punching power Why does being unusual provide you with a competitive advantage? How to strike the body with different trajectories Why do world champions do more than just grasp the fundamentals? Overhead rights and lefts, uppercuts and hooks, bolo punches, angle hooks, and other moves Side-to-side movement to achieve advantage and placement 30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
Angled Attacking and Punching 11 DVD / Video DVD 12) Advanced Boxing Techniques and Training DVD Unique Tips And Tricks To Conquer Every Style Are you seeking for sophisticated training approaches to help you elevate your game? Don’t know how to deal with the Southpaw? Having difficulties removing the ring from your opponents? How should you reply to a pressure fighter? Is overcoming the defensive boxer a flaw? Do you want to know how to tackle a boxer on the ropes? Jeff Fenech, three-time world champion and top professional trainer, shares his “down under” knowledge and insider secrets with you in simple, straightforward instructions.
These are the same training techniques and routines he used to win the world title several times, and which his stable of champion boxers utilize into their daily workouts and battles.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
DVD 12 13) Bigger and Stronger DVD / Video Advanced Training and Boxing Techniques
How to Gain 5 Pounds of Muscle This Week
Many sportsmen and gym enthusiasts want to become larger and stronger.
The majority, if not all, competitive sports and training regimens require it.
To keep ahead of the competition, you must concentrate on increasing muscular mass.
Michael Rutherford, a professional personal trainer and the creator of Boot Camp Fitness, a complex training and conditioning program, explains how to gain 5 pounds of muscle in just seven days.
This part shows and discusses:
Resistance exercise that is progressive Elements of Expansion Program for Nutrition Sleep necessities Different types of training exercises Workout plan in detail Don’t allow the competition get the better of you.
Get a good start and stick with it.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
Larger and more powerful DVD / Video DVD 13 14) Faster DVD / Video playback Speed kills; obtain the competitive advantage that every competitor seeks. The old adage that you can’t train speed is progressively being disproven.
Athletes may now greatly boost their speed, become faster, and decrease their sprint times.
There is no sport or competition in which speed—and developing faster—is not essential to victory.
Michael Rutherford, personal trainer and creator of Boot Camp Fitness, demonstrates routines and tactics for increasing speed and becoming a speedier athlete.
The coach will demonstrate the same techniques he employs to train football, baseball, and basketball teams, as well as boxers, sprinters, triathletes, track runners, wrestlers, and others.
Discover what every athlete desires: a competitive advantage over their opponent.
Speed is lethal!
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
DVD / Video: Explosive Quickness
First Step Speed is Variable
Any athlete’s success is frequently dependent on their ability to respond swiftly.
Improving quickness has a significant impact on improving speed, acceleration, and response time.
Michael Rutherford, personal trainer and creator of Boot Camp Fitness, a revolutionary workout experience, reveals the secret to gaining the explosive quickness required by today’s athletes in all sports.
The coach will demonstrate drills and exercises that he uses to train football, baseball, and basketball teams, as well as boxers, sprinters, triathletes, track runners, wrestlers, and many others.
Learn how to perform warm-ups, ladder drills, medicine balls, reactive exercises, and overload techniques to improve your quickness.
Quickness improves speed, acceleration, and reaction time, allowing you to dominate opponents and perform exceptionally well.
30 minutes approx.
Formulation Principle
Availability: Ships the next business day.
DVD / Video DVD / Explosive Quickness 15sDVD 16) Medicine Ball Workout Video / DVD Obtain Explosive And Effective Results The medicine ball is one of the oldest and most popular pieces of training equipment.
It is also one of the most misunderstood and underutilized training tools available.
Michael Rutherford, a professional personal trainer and creator of the sophisticated training and conditioning program Boot Camp Fitness, pushes you to your limits with his medicine ball training exercises and routines.
The medicine ball is excellent for achieving explosive and powerful physical results.
Rutherford takes you through a variety of plyometric exercises designed to strengthen the arms, legs, trunk, and torso for any sport or overall workout program.
This is the ticket if you want to add dominant power, overwhelming strength, and sheer explosiveness to your arsenal.
Discover what the medicine ball can do for you and your game.
If you want to perform like a champion, you must train like a champion.
30 minutes approx.
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