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Unarmed – Joint Cranks and Joint Locks by Hock Hochheim
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Unarmed – Joint Cranks and Joint Locks by Hock Hochheim
Police, military, and citizen action control and containment in Joint Cranks 1 and 2: Here are Hock’s Hall of Fame joint cranks and locks that he likes, as well as his Hall of SHAME joint cranks and locks that he dislikes, and why. (This is the second of a two-part series on the subject.)
Hock proposes a sequence of combined assaults in this highly ordered succession, using just the ideas connected with the core of combat:
1 – Progression of Fingers
Wrist Progression 2
3 – Wrist/Elbow Development
4 – Elbow Development
Elbow/Shoulder Progression 5 – Elbow/Shoulder Progression 6 – Shoulder Progression
7 – Shoulder/Neck Development
8 – Neck Development
9 – Leg Progression (hip, knee, ankle)
Applications, Counters, Lock Flows, and Combat Scenarios are all covered in Chapter 10.
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