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Wing Chun Kung Fu Vol 1 with William M Cheung
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Wing Chun Kung Fu Vol 1 with William M Cheung
Wing Chun Kung Fu DVD 1 by William Cheung
William Cheung, Bruce Lee’s lifelong friend and training partner, has now exposed the inner details of the original Wing Chun method. Three empty-hand forms, reflex training, Chi Sao, wooden dummy, butterfly sword and dragon pole forms, the B.O.E.C. fighting technique, and more are included in this five-part course.
Volume 1 includes the Sil Lim Tao form, Wing Chun fundamentals, exercises, and footwork, Chi meditation, and the Chum Kil form and applications.
Special In-Depth Content Overview: William Cheung Wing Chun Kung Fu Volume One
Grand Master Ng Moi of William Cheung’s Wing Chun Linage
Mr. Bruce Lee
Health and Chi Mediation Therapy by William Cheung
Eric Orem narrates the DVD introduction after William Cheung introduces his assistant demonstrator.
Front View of Si Lim Tao Form William Cheung- Full Frame Shot
Eric Oren- at a 45-degree angle to William Cheung and within the same frame as Cheung
Si Lim Tao sang in unison Narration: Eric Orem-first incarnation
Movements of the Body
Breathing correctly
Internal energy training
limb independence Body coordination
Second Si Lim Tao Form Demonstration
William Cheung finished from a slower pace.
View from the front Shot using a Medium Frame
Hand movement and position
Practice Frequency
Elbow position
Forward energy concentrating
Contribution to the practice of Chi Sao
Third Slim Tao Form Demonstration
Movement and posture from the side Shot at a 45-degree angle and a medium frame size.
First Part of the Si Lim Tao Wu Sao/Fook Sao Sequence
Gum Sao Rear Palm Movements – Backside – Begin of Second Part
Closing Sequence of the Second Part: Double Lan Sao, Double Jet Sao
Beginning of the Third Part of the Pac Sao Sequence
Sequence of Bong Sao Tan Sao
Sequence of grab and release In conclusion
Wing Chun Kung Fu Fundamentals
Punch Pac Sao Pac Sao (chuan)
Footwork on the right and left sides
Counter punch-half stride to the right and left Pac Sao, high counterpunch
Taoist Motion Hand of Sao
Sao Tao Chuan’s hand is used to counterattack (fist)
Right and left sides of Bil Sao
Combination of Bil Sao and Lap Sao
Right and left side Bil Sao Chuan hand/footwork
Vertical Punch Protection
Grand Master Cheung/Eric Orem- Vertical punch/Pac Sao Chi Sao Punch/Blind side demonstration
Using the B.O.E.C. approach
The same procedure is shown from a different viewpoint.
Protection Against a Round Punch
Round Punch-inside Lan Sao – punch with right/left, check elbow-step to blind side-push back opponent’s head, then punch to throat.
Round Punch in the reverse angle with slower motions.
A Round Punch Variation
Check the elbow, punch three times while checking the elbow, push back the head and open the target region, and punch at the throat.
Protection against low punches
Gum Sao left with a right punch that was simultaneous.
Cross Gum Sao’s left arm downward – Huen Sao hand Invert the angle of the same method.
Backfist defense against jabs
Block Jab Pac Sao Jam the Back Fist draw the opponent back, then land many punches to the head and spine.
The same procedure from a different angle
Front kick protection
With Gum Sao, take a step back and block.
Kick at the opponent’s medical area.
Check the arm, then numerous punches on the blind side.
The same procedure from a different angle
Protection against a lead punch
Bil Sao vs. the first punch
With a kick to the ribs, check the elbow with the cross hand.
Control the elbow and follow up with repeated strikes to the head while keeping the blind side under control.
The same procedure from a different angle
Stepping forward and throwing a punch
The lead fist lands three blows.
This drill is performed on both the right and left sides.
Technique demonstrated from a right side angle.
Numeric punching is also known as chain punching.
This is accomplished by various punching sequences.
Technique from the side
Step ahead – level two punching
Step forward, hit high, then low, and then high again.
Combination punching from the side
Combination of Bil Sao and Front Kick
Technique from the side
Technique demos on the right and left sides
Combination of Pak Sao and Front Kick
Pak Sao kicks to the head and then returns to his previous position.
View from the side of the application
Combination of Lap Sao with Front Kick
Hand Kick Lap Sao Wu Sao
Return with three punches after that.
View from the side of the application
Movement of the right and left sides of the stance
Neutral posture with a half-step movement to the right, lateral movement to the right, and lateral stepping back.
Forward movement follows the same attack and retreat pattern.
Angled half-step back and forward
Full side step with lateral movement to the right and left sides
Second Form – Chum Kil The Very First Demonstration
Introduction to William Cheung Full Frame Shot � Sifu Orem, Eric
Looking for a bridge or bridging a gap
Complete the footwork form at usual speed.
Second Demonstration of Chum Kil’s Second Form
Full Frame taken by William Cheung Opening at a slower pace, similar to Double Bil Jee Strike by Si Lim Tao
Bong Sao Triple Sequence
Jet Sao Palm Strike Sequence with Front Kick and Arm Break
Front Kick and Lap Sao
Sequence of Bong Sao and Lap Sao is repeated on the opposing side of the body Lap Sao and Front Kick
Three Bong Saos Pao Sao Low Palm Strike Sequence repeated on opposite side of body Bil Sao low side kick- followed by three low Bong Sao Double Palm Strike Sequence repeated on opposite side of body Triple Gum Sao and closing fists.
Close the chamber hands Neutral Stance.
Chum Kil Utilization
Bil Jee Strike by Eric Oren
William Cheung demonstrates the use of double Bong Sao Jet Sao Kick – Arm Break Lap Sao Kick Lap Sao Reverse Lap Sao- Kick Lap Sao lower palm strike Bil Jee Strike
Bil Sao � Lower Kick to the Knee � Lower Bong Sao � Double Palm Strike.
Standing Chi Meditation Posture
Arms held out in a circle
Finger tips parallel to shoulders
The placement of the tongue in relation to the meridians
Slow breathing
Internal organs are represented by the median of the fingers.
Stress reduction is one of the many advantages of meditation practice.
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