Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1

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Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1


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Wing Tsun – Sifu Sergio Iadorola – Section One Chi Sao Part 1

Dear Colleague,

Hundreds of years ago, the Shaolin temple’s ancient monks understood that a typical ocular response was insufficient to stop significant incoming assaults at full speed. It just takes too long. Consider how much time it takes to visually notice an assault. For you to react, the brain must send a signal to your limbs, which takes much too long.

According to recent research, it is difficult for a person to block blows or stop an attack at full speed based just on sight. It’s the same reason why a goalie in a soccer game can’t stop a penalty unless he leaps ahead of time in the right corner: it’s just too fast. The Shaolin monks consequently designed a particular reflex training regimen called ‘Chi Sao’, freely translated as ‘sticking hands’. This is a sophisticated reflex training program that allows you to respond considerably faster and is the only way to block 100% of incoming assaults every time. Your opponent will be astonished, wondering why he is unable to deliver a single decisive hit. Believe me, I’ve seen and felt it firsthand.

So, how exactly does it work?

It’s fairly straightforward. Assume I’m standing behind you and suddenly insert a needle into your leg. What are your plans? Stay motionless and consider what you’re about to say? Or will you simply respond, rise up, and yell anything you want? Do you see what I mean? It happens without your having to think about it.

That is a TRUE reaction based on touch. The eyes cannot deceive you. Allow David Copperfield to handle it. The signal is delivered directly to the spinal cord, where your body reacts. After applying the Chi Sao program’s reflexes, you will react exactly as you should. You will compliment, not counter, your opponent’s activity. You’ll attach to him like superglue, easily absorbing and deflecting oncoming assaults. Because your sense of touch cannot be deceived, the Shaolin monastery monks referred to it as a system rather than a technique.

Every time, a system works. A method might not work.

Because the Wing Tjun method allows for an infinite number of possibilities, Grandmasters in the past devised predetermined sequences to ensure that the entire system was handed down to the next generation. It’s just incredible! All of the motions from the forms are implanted into your neural system reflex by reflex, just like installing a new Windows XP or Vista operating system on your own hard drive. Doesn’t that sound like the future? What about Star Trek? What is the Matrix? No. The Shaolin monastery monks were far ahead of their time. Now comes the exciting part for you, since you will get access to the greatest method of acquiring this unique Kung Fu technique.

Sifu Sergio Iadarola is one of the most knowledgeable masters I know, having trained for years directly under the top Grandmasters in Hong Kong and China. There is no one better to teach you these abilities than him, because he is also the best instructor I know in this profession, which is far more essential for YOU. Let the facts speak for themselves: this man manages the most successful Kung Fu school in the Netherlands, with over 400 pupils, as well as an association with over 6000 members.

He will teach you all of the motions, concepts, and principles of the first portion of Chi Sao in great detail, step by step. It’s like taking private lessons from the guy himself, who presently charges 800 euros per hour for individual lessons! Why? Because hundreds – and I mean hundreds – of people want to take individual lessons with him, and you can today! You will save the time and money of going to China, finding a Grandmaster ready to teach you all these secrets after years of training, and developing a connection with your instructor in order for him to show you these once-secret notions.

Sifu Sergio is one of only two Westerners who has received Master certification from the successor and Grandmaster of the Siu Lam (Chi Sim) Wing Tjun style grandmaster Cheng Kwong, as well as having completed the Yip Man Wing Tjun Kung Fu system in 2001 under Grandmaster Leung Ting and Grandmaster Allan Fong.

P.S. The Chi Sao Secrets Part 1 will teach you all about this ancient Kung Fu technique. Get your hands on this DVD right away. You’ll never be sorry for having this information on hand at all times. And I have a feeling that moment will come.

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